Getting started

A minimal guide on how to install and use nacht app
Last updated


You can download the latest version of Nacht by going to our releases page. When you've completed the download, open the apk file and proceed with installing it.

Adding novel to library

Now that Nacht is installed, open the app and navigate to Browse. Tap on the source you would like to use to browse their most popular novels.

When you find a novel you want to read, click on it, and then press the Add to library button. It should now appear in Library ready to be read.

Search for novel

Nacht currently offers two ways to search for novels.

Search by name

Follow the same process as above and go your source of choice. Click the search icon at the title bar and type your search query. Press enter or search button on keyboard when finished.

The results will be shown in a grid similar to how popular novels shows it.

Nacht supports basic search functionality on a source by source basis so some of the sources may not support it.

Search with url

Go to the Browse page and click the search icon at the title bar. Paste the url of the novel you want to read.

If the source is supported it will give the option to fetch the novel. Click the Fetch button and add to the library.